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NamuGriff was born in March 1985 in the city of Southampton in Hampshire. Living there for 4 years before moving over to the Isle of Wight, and being an overner as people not born on the island are known as. After 7 years moved back over to the mainland (UK) and now lives in the Fareham area.

Had a strong interest and fasination in animals and wanting to be one form the age of 8 years old after seeing The Lion King. Didn't find out about the furry fandom till 2003 while at university. Was studying Zoology at the time with plans to work in a zoo afterwards.

Meets and conventions.

NamuGriff attended a first fur meet while on holiday from university in 2004 at Southampton, having used an excuse to go to Southampton to attend. After a period of 5 years while at university, unemployed and then working part time meets were no longer attended. After finishing trainning for thier new job role for SouthWest Trains NamuGriff once again started to attend the Hantsfurs meets each month, from April 2009, with London Fur meets starting in August, after not being able to visit July meet, due to work commitments.

Form July 2009 NamuGriff became the organiser for the Portsmouth Half of the HantsFurs furmeets, after Valkyr Diamond who was at Portsmouth university left.

NamuGriff will be going upto RBW 2009 for a first ever convention, with plans to hopefully going to others in future.

Coming up with the name and forms

The current name NamuGriff happened and evolved over a period of years to its finally now seen form. Having started out just as Namu while still new to the fandom. NamuGriff started life as an orca, that slowly changed to otter, then wallaroo, and gryphon. Before the name NamuGriff was taken up, the name NamuOrca was used for a period of time, till it was once more changed over to reflect a more settled down form.

The most common forms used now by NamuGriff are a gryphon and otter. The otter form having its own name, Cinerus taken from the scientific name for the Asian Short Clawed otter.


NamuGriff as taken order for a first fursuit that will be designed and made to look the part of a full suit while in fact being only a half suit. The choice was made for Cinerus to be the suit as it was felt to be more simple a design to have and also with plans to at times wear uniform from work with it in future meets and conventions. Plans are to have Cinerus appear at RBW in October, or at one of the London Furmeet meets in the following months. Due to the suit being designed as a half suit. Top half with head and tail plus foot paws, it can be converted into a full suit with ease in future. The first part of the Cinerus suit has already been collected in the form of a long tail from the maker with the rest of the oder and measurements taken the same day.

Artistic side

Due to having a mild form of a learning disablity NamuGriff has always had a poor skill in drawing, but dabbled abit with colouration on a few images drawn by others. Most of the art done is in the form of photography that has been developed over a number of years to the level it is now, from simple one use cameras, to manual SLR cameras, before going digital in 2003. In 2009 a digital SLR camera was finally purchased and is now used, taken to each London Meet to take images of the suiters and others. They can at times be seen running around to get the shot they want to take, even when visiting zoos or other places with animals to get the right shot. A number of images are selected and posted on their Furaffintiy account which can be seen at [1]